how moodsy can help with self care and stress relief?

🕙 Asked 5 days ago
moodsy selfcare stressrelief wellness

have any one used this app?

Author Avatar Jan
Ranjan Ranjan

Hi, a lot of people suffer by suppressing their thoughts and feelings over time. And when it all bursts out, it's a mess which leads to stress, anxiety and even depression. With Moodsy, you can log your moods throughout the day - whether you are sad, happy or neutral, add tags that contribute to the feeling and add notes. They can track the mood trends easily with mood calendar and using charts/graphs. What's more intuitive is that you can add images too! You can use Moodsy to develop good habits too - be it a routine or just an one-time reminder, you can set custom habit reminders. More useful features are under development.

🕙 Commented 5 days ago